Saturday, May 5, 2018

Small Town Scenery

While driving around the roads of Topeka, I can't help but think about how crowded it is. Buildings, houses, people, and cars fill acres of land with not much visible nature. I come from a small town that has maybe 10 buildings total, along with lots of land in between each established home. It is incredibly common for people to own 20+ acres. In a city I've noticed that having a really nice car and house stands as as social status of wealth in Topeka. As where I'm from, the amount of land and cattle owned is a pretty big representation of wealth.
 No matter which direction you drive in, all you can see is grass and cattle for miles. Dirt roads are also very common where I'm from, so watching my city friends try to drive on them is pretty hysterical. More time than not dirt roads are surrounded by corn and wheat fields, so there is a little more to see while driving on them. A major difference I've noticed with small town life is the normality of animals being everywhere. It is not an uncommon thing for cattle to cause traffic jams on main roads. I remember one time I was late to school because my neighbor's cow got out and was blocking my driveway. I simply called my school and told them I would be a little late because of it and they excused my tardiness.
I'd say one major plus to living in the city is the rules on burning leaves and everything. In the spring farmers usually burn off their fields so they can grow fresh crops. I always hated that because smoke triggers my asthma, so when the whole town smelled like smoke I always felt like I couldn't breathe. Overall I would say being from a small town is really pretty nature wise, but there is an artistic beauty to to set up of cities too.

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