Sunday, February 18, 2018


Hey y'all, my name is Shelby Edwards. I was born and raised in a small town in the southeast corner of Kansas called Riverton. If you're having a hard time figuring out where Riverton is, it's probably because it isn't even on the map. I graduated with a whopping 48 people, all of which I can list and could tell you fun facts about individually if you were really that interested in learning about strangers. I am writing this blog to share what it is like growing up in a small town in Kansas, and comparing it to the city life I am still adapting to.

I chose this topic manly because I grew up in a small town and faced a bit of a culture shock when I moved to Topeka. I was very well known and what some might say to be apart of the "in" crowd in high school, due to my involvement in athletics and social events. Moving to a place where no one knew my name or story was incredibly strange. Small town life really stuck out to me as the perfect topic because I have now experienced the best (and sometimes the worst) of both worlds. I absolutely love it here in Topeka, but there are quite a few differences that city people wouldn't understand about us small town folk. My intended audience is really anyone who is interested in the diversity in Kansas locations. Whether my viewers grew up in a small town and can relate, or have never stepped foot in a one-stop-light town, I believe there really isn't a limit to who I am trying to connect with. Anyway, stay tuned to read about my life experiences! 

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